
We’re well versed in over 50 technologies, but here are some we use the most:

  • Java (Spring Framework, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Spring WebFlux, Spring Data, Spring Security, Spring Web, MapStruct, Micrometer, EJB, JSP, Hibernate, JDO, JDBC, JPA, JSF, RichFaces, PrimeFaces, SEAM, JOOQ, Apache Camel, Apache Spark), Scala, Kotlin
  • .NET (.NET, .NET Framework, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web API, WCF, WPF, WWF)
  • TypeScript/JavaScript & HTML5 (Angular, React, Vue, Nuxt, Ext.js, Backbone.js, jQuery, Bootstrap, DoJo)
  • С/C++ (98/11/14/17/20; STL, Boost, Qt/QML, CMake, embedded)
  • Databases (IBM DB2, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, AWS DynamoDB, Azure Cosmos DB, Azure SQL, Snowflake, MongoDB, Couchbase, Elasticsearch, Prometheus, Cassandra, ClickHouse, Redis, MinIO)
  • DevOps (Kubernetes, Ansible, Terraform, Docker, Jenkins, GitLab, GitHub, ArgoCD, Prometheus Stack, Elastic Stack, Zabbix, PostgreSQL, Redis, Azure, AWS)
  • BI (Tableau, Power BI, Sportfire, TIBCO, Cognos BI, MicroStrategy, Oracle Report)
  • Machine Learning (LLM, scikit-learn, TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, Catalyst, NumPy, PyTorch Lightning, PyTorch Metric Learning, Pandas, SciPy, LightGBM, XGboost, TensorRT, OpenVino)
  • Big Data & ETL (Apache Hadoop family, Apache Spark, Hive, HBase, Apache Kafka, Azure Databricks, Azure HDInsight, AWS EMR, Delta Lake, AWS Glue, AWS Lambda)
  • Python (Aiohttp, Sanic, FastAPI, Flask, SQLAlchemy, Alembic, PyTest)
  • PHP (Magento, Drupal, Joomla, Yii, WordPress)
  • Microsoft Power Platform (Power Apps, Power BI, Power Automate, Copilot Studio, Power Pages and Custom Portals, Dataverse); Dynamics 365 Customer Insights / Marketing / Sales / Customer Service / Field Service; Microsoft Dynamics CRM (all versions), Dynamics 365 Model-Driven APP, Dynamics 365 Canvas APP, Dynamics 365 GDPR configuration, Dynamics 365 PBX (telephony) integration
  • Mobile (Android, iOS, Cross-platform, Kotlin, Java, Swift, Objective C, Flutter, Dart, Qt, QML, C++, AOSP, Android TV, Android Wear, Apple WatchKit, ARKit, AppleTV, Firebase, Ionic, React Native, Xamarin)
  • Blockchain (Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, Hedera, Corda, Bitcoin)
  • AR/VR (Unreal Engine, Unity 3D, Photon, Vuforia)
  • UX/UI Design (Figma, Sketch, Zeplin, Adobe (Photoshop, Illustrator), Maze, Miro, Axure)
If you have any questions please contact us for a free consultation.
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