WaveAccess featured on the Top 10 Custom Software Providers List
CIO Applications has compiled a list of top 10 companies of 2020 that are at the forefront of providing custom software development services. WaveAccess is honored to be recognized as one the industry leaders.

CIO Applications technology magazine has compiled a list of Top 10 Custom Software Development Providers 2020. These companies employ top-of-the-line project execution methods and QA practices in order to develop a state-of-the-art custom software that exceeds customer expectations. WaveAccess is excited to be featured among the industry leaders with its unique project implementation vision that helps customers evolve and transform their businesses.
Custom software is a necessity when a particular business’ requirements and preferences are not met by any off-the-shelf software product which happens ubiquitously in today’s highly competitive and rapidly changing world. As a developer of a large number of projects, we have identified several approaches that improve the development of even the most complex software solutions for a wide range of industries.
Change is the only constant
We constantly monitor, master, and quickly implement continually updated architectural solutions, practices, and technologies. Companies that do not do this either cannot take on the tasks that the client sets, or lose in price competition with more flexible market players.
Hybrid teams
We effectively manage the development, adjusting the costs through the use of hybrid — partially remote — teams (they can be located both in the USA and in other countries), and involving rare specialists only on demand, not hiring them for a full-time job. In some areas, such as architecture building or machine learning, WaveAccess boasts truly unique experts.
Behavior Driven Development as the key to understanding the client
When the programmer, business analyst, and client receive a single, understandable, human-language description of a business requirement formalized according to a certain standard, it gets much harder to find yourself in a situation where each of the participants had their own understanding of the task, and the result does not correspond to the output expectations. So, if the project employs a large team of specialists, then the price of the error is too high, and Behavior Driven Development (BDD) justifies the costs.
DevOps philosophy
DevOps allows you to fully implement continuous integration and continuous delivery. This is especially convenient when you have several environments, and new functionality becomes available at the same time in all of them.
Houston, we have no problem!
As for the reporting system and the possibility for the customer to control the development process, we always use a common project management system and carry out continuous integration, so the client always has access to the source code and the current state of the project.
The CIO Applications special edition on Custom Software Development also features an interview with Ilya Feigin, Founder and CTO of WaveAccess where you will find details on the WaveAccess' approach to project management — its full version is available here.
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